
Saturday 23 May 2015

Telling my Story

On Friday 15th of May we had the Junior School cross-country. We ran hard in the mud and the puddles; some of us even ran up and down Cycle Mountain!
We decided to tell our cross-country stories. We have done this in two ways. Firstly we wrote our story. We used our senses to help add some details to our writing. We thought about what we could see, what we could hear, what we could feel and how we felt in our heart.
We also told our story in ‘code’. With Carolyn we thought about how we can use paint and symbols to share our story. Again we thought about what we could see, what we could hear, what we could feel and how we felt in our heart.

Success Criteria:
  • Plan my writing
  • Add details to my writing
  • Create a code to tell my story
  • Speak clearly and with expression as I tell my story

How I am going
Plan my writing
Kerri thinks

Add details to my writing
Kerri thinks


Create a code to tell my story
Kerri thinks

Speak clearly and with expression as I tell my story
Kerri thinks


I really like: cross country and I nearly came third. I liked telling my story.

I think I need to practice: listening for more sounds in my words.

Something that really helped me was: doing lots of talking and thinking with the class. Having the words in the writing book helped too.

Kerri Thinks
The Russell Street School cross country was a great day and I know you loved running in the puddles and the mud and getting dirty! You did loads of running practise and then nearly came third! After the race we did lots of talking and thinking and added lots of ideas to the writing modelling book. What a clever writer to use these ideas in your story! You can hear and write the first and last sounds in your words, your next stpe is to start lisenting for some ot the middle sounds.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Our Mihi

My Mihi and Koru art
We use our mihi to introduce ourselves. It helps others to know where we are from and to see if there are any connections. We have been working hard to learn the RSS mihi and have created some art to go with it.

We were inspired by our trip to the Marae last term and the way koru are used as part of a pattern to tell stories. In our art we have used koru to represent the people in our families. We have chosen their favourite colours to add another detail to our story. We chose a background for our koru to help share our connections.

Success Criteria:
  • My art tells a story about me 
  • I can say the Mihi clearly
  •  I use expression when I speak
How I am going

My art tells a story about me 
Kerri thinks

I can say the Mihi clearly
Kerri thinks

I use expression when I speak
Kerri thinks


I really like: Koru art because it looked cool.

It was really hard when: I first started because i didn't know how to say the words.

Something that really helped me was: Caleb helped me to say the words in my mihi.

Kerri Thinks
By thinking about the colours and who is in your family you have created a piece of art that tells a story about you. Learning how to introduce yourself in another language is tricky and you did a great job. You tried your best and didn't give up! When we broke the mihi into bits for recording it was much easier to remember and I think you did say the words!